Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let me finish this....

I am having a little bit of mommy guilt. I thought I would share. Have you ever said to your young child..."In a minute...just let me finish this." That minute seems to drag on and on and on until...poof...a LOT longer has gone by then that MINUTE you had previously said it would take. Hmmm....I am in the midst of cleaning out my basement so that we can frame a bedroom downstairs for my tween. MaKenna had been begging me almost literally all day Friday..."Will you play a game with me mommy?" "Will you play barbies with me mommy?" "Will you color with me mommy?" The list goes on...and I kept saying, "In a minute baby...let me just finish this." Well...then I would finish whatever "THIS" was...and I would forget and move on to the next task of clean up. By the end of the day, I realized that I hadn't done ANYTHING that MaKenna had wanted. I had been on a roll with my cleaning and completely neglected her needs. Do I see games, barbies and coloring as needs? least, not for me...but they are needs for her, and it was wrong of me to neglect those 4 year old needs. I plan on making up for it this week sometime. I will play games, play barbies and color, even if I have TONS to do. Hopefully that will soothe my mommy guilt. Ever have those days???

1 comment:

Coolestmommy said...

Totally in touch with you. Trying to get through 30+ boxes of clothes to sell tons at a consignment sale coming up. Never enough hours and I forget to sit and read or just BE with the kids. I did paint with Rebekah today and then she wanted me to leave her alone for a while. Getting stuff done while I can. :-)