So, I was driving to Super Saver one Saturday and I saw signs that said, "DCI Parking". After I picked my jaw up off the street, I came home and looked up Millard South because that is the school that I saw the sign at....I live right behind the school. Sure enough, they were hosting one of the B team DCI tours! WHOA!!!! I IMMEDIATELY said to Jeff..."You know all those hockey games I go to because you love hockey? you can go to something that I love after 13 years of knowing me." I thought I would have to fight a bit...but he said okay and even found a sitter. It was close enough that we just walked to the school. It was AWESOME to say the least. It reminded me HOW MUCH I loved drumming! Here is a picture of Santa Clara Vanguard.
I know you are all dying to hear my cymbals story. it goes...I had the 20 inch cymbals. They were the BIGGEST cymbals, and of course...the freshman got them...even though she was the smallest one. When I crashed them, I had to hold my arms out completely straight to clear my body. one of the football games early on in the season I was marching with them, so we were going pretty fast. I got really tired and my arms limped a bit...I had a BIG crash coming was a Drum Break, meaning the drum line was up front and we were showing the crowd what we had. Well...I know what you are already know what happened in your mind. That is right...I crashed my little boobie in the big cymbals...and I crashed HARD. SO MUCH white tuxedo shirt was soon coated with blood. Yes...that's right, I crashed SO HARD that I cut my boobie and it was pouring out blood. Needless to say, I finished the marching, ran to the bathroom with a "band mom", and she took me home and explained to my mom why I was holding ice on my boobie. I am sure my mom had a hard time containing her laughter...but she did. I was VERY embarressed...thankfully the drum line was very nice about it and didn't tease the freshman too much. I do still have the scar though. Yes...there IS a scar! Okay...enough said.
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