Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mom's out there. My family, my friends, and even those of you I don't know...Happy Mother's Day. I know it is just a day that Hallmark loves...but I think it is so important to acknowledge the mom's out there. Ladies...we have a hard job. I know that the guys think that we just say that a lot and that we really don't have it that hard...but we do! Where would this earth be if it wasn't for us moms? I know one would be a dirty, nasty offense guys, but you really don't know how to pick up after yourself. Think of all the times your mom's nurtured you...or nursed you back to health...or just gave you a listening ear. I know that today has been more of a heartache for me than a good mom's day. kids and my husband acknowledged me...and yes, I will get to acknowledge the wonderful woman that brought my husband into this world...but I would really like to acknowledge the woman who brought ME into this world...and I can't. I had dad take down a teddy bear that said, "I love you mom" on it, and he staked it to her grave...but it just isn't the same. Honestly I did pretty good today until I got to church and everyone came up to me with big crocodile tears asking me how I was doing today, and that they were thinking and praying for me. That is great and I thank you all very much...but I was fine until then. I got to thinking after that....I know where mom is...and I know she is in a much better place, but darn it I want her here! I say this after a sermon on selfishness too. Kinda ironic huh? Mother's Day just isn't the same without a mother. We did go to dad's house after church and had lunch with him like we have for years...but mom wasn't there. Now we are home...Jeff is outside working on his truck...Cam is sitting beside me on the other computer, Major is napping, MaKenna and Jake are riding bikes...and the house is perfectly silent except for the tapping of these keys and the sniffles of Cam's allergies. You'd think that would put me in a great mood! QUIET!!! YES!! But...I just want to go to bed. Maybe I will. I suppose I should go get some stuff done first...what mom's do, work, work! :-)


Love ya!

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