Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Free State Parks and Fishing Day!

This past Saturday was Free State Park Entrance and Fishing Day!! We go to state parks anyway because we have a pass, and we usually go fishing anyway because that is just what our family does...but since Jeff has not yet gotten his fishing license, this was a perfect day to go!! It also was an almost perfect weather day to go. It was a tad bit chilly in the shade, the wind didn't help, but in the sun, it was really nice. We wore light jackets to stay warm by the water. The mantra that day was girls rule, boys drool, because MaKenna and I were the only ones catching...then Major started catching...but that was it. Cam caught one at the very end...only because we said we wouldn't go until he caught one...he finally did. Jake brought a friend, so they were off in the woods when they weren't fishing, so I didn't get any pictures of the two of them. The score was, Mom-1, MaKenna -4, Major -3, Cam -1. Let the records show I only caught one because I stopped after that to help others. I am SURE I would have caught more!!

MaKenna got the first fish of the day. But she was afraid of it...in fact, she wouldn't even reel it all the way in...she made daddy do it.Then Major started getting nibbles....
Daddy and Major reeled it in together....
Then...like any boy, he had to touch it...squeeze it...etc....
Then daddy let him have it a bit. It was funny...when he swings he says, "Weeeeeeee" almost the whole time he is swinging. So he swung the fish back and forth on the line and was saying, "Weeeeeeee". Any animal rights activists out there, we didn't let him do it long...the fish was released without incident. No worries!!!


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