Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Evie woke up!!

She Woke Up!
GREAT news friends, Evie woke up this afternoon! I decided to rub a little baby lotion on her dry arms and legs, and she opened her eyes and we talked for a while (: About 10 minutes later she had an EEG, so she had to go back to sleep for that, but she woke up one more time after that. She sucked her binky for a few minutes, which is another praise since she hasn't done any good sucking since yesterday and they were feeding her through a nose-tube (I'm too tired to think of the real name for a nose-tube). So Praise God and thank you for your prayers. I think we get to move back upstairs to the Intermediate Care floor soon, I will keep you all posted.THANKS for checking in and praying for my sweet little one!!!Lindsey

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