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Saturday, October 31, 2009
My brother in law...UNDEFEATED team!!!!
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The Melting Pot...YUM!
Bible Study Dress Up Day!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Book Reviews, Shadow Government and Wisdom Hunter
Book: Shadow Government
Author: Grant Jeffrey
Security cameras, surveillance of private financial transactions, radio frequency spy chips hidden in consumer products, eavesdropping on e-mail correspondence and phone calls, and Internet tracking. No one is protected, and privacy is a thing of the past.
An ultra-secret global elite, functioning as a very real shadow government, controls technology, finance, international law, world trade, political power, and vast military capabilities. These unnamed, unrivaled leaders answer to no earthly authority, and they won’t stop until they control the world.
In Shadow Government, prophecy expert Grant Jeffrey removes the screen that, up to now, has hidden the work of these diabolical agents. Jeffrey reveals the biblical description of Satan’s global conquest and identifies the tools of technology that the Antichrist will use to rule the world.
Readers will have their eyes opened to the real power that is working behind the scenes to destroy America and merge it into the coming global government. Armed with this knowledge, readers will be equipped to face spiritual darkness with the light of prophetic truth.
Author Bio:
Grant R. Jeffrey is the internationally known prophecy researcher, Mideast expert, and author of Countdown to the Apocalypse, The New Temple and the Second Coming, The Next World War, and twenty other best-selling books. He is also the editor of the Prophecy Study Bible. His popular television program, Bible Prophecy Revealed, airs weekly on TBN. Jeffrey earned his master’s and PhD degrees from Louisiana Baptist University. He and his wife, Kaye, live in Toronto.
Book: Wisdom Hunter
Author: Randall Arthur
Pastor Jason Faircloth knows what he believes. His clear faith, in fact, is why he is one of the most prominent pastors in Atlanta. He relies on it to discipline his daughter, his wife, his church. He prays daily that others would come to see God’s ways as he does.
And it is about to cost him everything.
Groping for answers in the face of tragedy, Jason begins a search for the only family he has left: the granddaughter kept hidden from him. Soon he finds himself on an international adventure that will take him straight into the depths of his soul. He is determined not to fail again.
A fast-paced suspense novel rich in spiritual depth, Wisdom Hunter explores what it means to break free of Christian legalism—and discover why grace can mean the difference between life and death.
Author Bio:
Randall Arthur is the bestselling author of Jordan’s Crossing and Brotherhood of Betrayal. He and his wife have served as missionaries to Europe for over thirty years. From 1976 till 1998, he lived in Norway and Germany as a church planter. Since 2000, he has taken numerous missions teams from the United States on trips all over Europe. Arthur is also the founder of the AOK (Acts of Kindness) Bikers’ Fellowship, a group of men who enjoy the sport of motorcycling. He and his family live in Atlanta, Georgia.
Honestly? My life has been SO crazy and turned upside down a my reading has slowed down. I haven't cracked open these books much least not enough to give you my full "take" on it. I WILL though, because I am SO looking forward to reading them. I just need life to get back to normal...or at least a new normal, before I can get them finished! I WILL THOUGH! And I WILL post my take on them when I am done!!! SO FAR they are great though! I think that you may enjoy them!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Our kitties...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Atlanta pics off of my camcorder
Wedding day....
The Wedding!
The Big Day!! WEDDING DAY!!!
Tator's Wedding Rehearsal and dinner...
Atlanta trip...
The kids were fascinated with the CNN building. Not only is it CNN...but Cartoon Network is there they were in seventh heaven!! We had lunch there and checked out all of the interesting sites within the building. was off to Tator's Rehearsal.....