Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Golden Sowers Quiz Bowl!

Last week Cam participated in the Golden Sowers Quiz Bowl. If you click on the link you can see his picture. Cam is in the front row...in the middle with the red sweater on and the enormous grin! Anyway...the Golden Sowers is a book club that he joined early in the year. He goes to school every Thursday morning 45 minutes before school starts and they discuss books that they have read. They read like 1 book per two weeks or something like that. It is great. It has really made him dive into books...which as a book lover myself...I LOVE that idea! So, at the end of the year they have a quiz bowl. Not just anybody gets to go represent the school....they actually pick 8 students from each school to go...then the whole district has a competition. He was one of the 8 chosen from his school out of like 20 students. He did a great job! We are very proud of him!! They didn't come in, in the top 3...but they DID win all of their mini competitions. They just didn't have enough points to be in the top 3. They did GREAT though!! Daddy, myself, Jake, MaKenna, Major and Papa all went to watch him!! It was a lot of fun!!

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