Last weekend Cam, Jake, Jeff, Dad, Mike, Shawn and Kayla went to the Nebraska Cornhusker Spring Red/White game. They had a good time!! I think they really enjoyed themselves. They went down early and tailgated....then were back in time for dinner! Rhonda, Brooke, MaKenna and I went....where else? SHOPPING! That's always fun too!
So...surprise...surprise....I got sick again last weekend. Yup...a cold this time! Ugh! I wasn't sure if it was a cold though or allergies at first. Then I was sure it was a cold...but I think allergies mixed in with it. I had been busy spring cleaning the house for the past couple weeks and the dust was awful! Which...I DON'T understand because I clean the house every couple weeks...which includes dusting. However...I was pulling furniture out and cleaning the vents, etc. I cleaned on top of the cabinets....inbetween the name it...I cleaned it! So...the house has been spring cleaned and it is done for the year! Whew! I am sure everyone is thrilled that mom is done with that!! was a quick cold/allergies though.
So the 24th, was BMX night again. Aunt Holly was supposed to be here, but got stuck in AZ due to flight, she was unable to come this weekend like she had originally planned. :-( Sometime soon she will come though! So, Dixie and Tanner met Jeff and the kids and I up at the BMX track. The kids enjoyed having someone other than us watching them! That morning though MaKenna was WWWAAAAYYYY busy!! She had a zoo class early in the morning called Animal Babies. We got to walk around the zoo with the instructor and see all of the new animal babies! She really enjoyed that! Then we rushed over to the Y for her gymnastics class! I forgot to take my camera no pictures of that yet. Sorry. I will bring it this week! She did really well! She seems to enjoy gymnastics so far!
The 25th was a busy day for me. The kids went to Lowes and built hang gliders with daddy! They did an AWESOME job! I went to Milford with Rhonda and met dad there for Uncle Alvin's auction. It was very neat! I have never been to an auction before. I couldn't understand a WORD he was saying though! In fact, I went to bid on Uncle Alvin's picnic table....another guy was bidding against when it was my turn to bid higher, I finally said to Brian the auctioneer...."I-CAN'T-UNDERSTAND-WHAT-YOU-ARE-SAYING!" He was very sweet. He put his arm around me without missing a beat and said in his auctioneer style..."IS THIS BETTER....WE ARE UP TO $35 DOLLARS...DO YOU WANT TO BID..." He almost sounded robotic...but I understood!!! Needless to say, I got the picnic table for my babies for $35! I also bid on an OOOLLLLDDDD sewing machine...I got it for 1 dollar! Apparently there were no sewers there. Then I got an OOOOOLLLLDDDDDEEEERRRR sewing machine in a sewing table for $2.50! I did pretty good I would say!! Anyway, check out Brian's website! He does a great job...and for those of you here in might like to go to one of his auctions....he sells some really great stuff for great prices!
While I am "plugging"...I have to put a plug in for Taco Bell, We had their family meal the other night. YUM!!! It was perfect for our size family!! Just FYI!!
Yesterday Tini came over and helped me set up my Spring Dinner table. Dixie helped me with the idea and showed me how I should set it up, then Tini and I implemented it last night. It turned out really nice! Pictures to follow! Again...I forgot my camera....but here are some pictures from BMX night!!
Waiting for the races to start, they like to watch the dogs at the dog park that is right next to the BMX track!
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