Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our new family member....

Well folks...we did it. We got another family member! We didn't think we had enough children and we added yet another. Jake has fish...we have two dogs...Duke and Nacho...and we added....a miniature horse! Yes...that is right...a miniature horse. So what? you say....well...this horse is making its home in our back yard. read correctly...our back yard! :-) Can we say, "R-E-D-N-E-C-K"? You all know all know we are rednecks. Come on...admit it! I will!!!

Below is the picture of our new family member....her name was Pepsi...we changed it to Peanut with a middle name of Pepsi. :-) MaKenna and Major both have ridden her...Jake isn't sure yet. Cam is too big. Miniature horses can only hold about 70 pounds.Her belly is SO big you say? if it weren't enough to get a horse...she is a VERY pregnant...due any day horse. Here is Michael her former owner and Jeff trying to get her into the horse trailer.

We got her in Harvard, NE...about 2 hours from here. She had a long ride...but she did great. She is a VERY nice horse. We had originally gone down to get a different horse and her Filly...but we decided against them as the mama was not the friendliest of horses. Peanut is a VERY sweet horse. She didn't seem to mind the kids at all. She nuzzled them, let them pet her, snuggle her, ride her, etc.

Here she is in our back yard. You can see the play set behind her. Now...for those of you who haven't been to our house, we have a HUGE don't think that she has no room to roam. You can't even stand on one side of our backyard and see the whole thing. It is a corner lot in a culdesac and so it wraps around and it truly is HUGE. Jeff made a nice area just for her and fenced it off. I should have taken a picture, I will tomorrow. We will let her roam with my dad's new horse Sparky out in the pasture with him for a week or two at a time, let her come be with us for a week or two, and go back and forth. Gives her new scenery. But we will leave her with us until she has her baby and awhile longer while the baby is still little.

Duke is our Rottweiler, here he is up against her to show you her size. The neighbors were all hanging over the back wooden fence gawking at her. They all think she is very pretty and very cool! We will be the neighborhood hit with the kids! :-) I will post more pictures tomorrow of her fenced off area, and the kids riding her! My nieces and nephew are coming over tomorrow...we will ride her, but not for long...I don't want to hurt her little pregnant body! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is sooo kewl!!! hope you like her!! This is Michael and hope everything works out really good!!! I think you are a really nice family and i have bin really lucky to have meat you and hope you all like and hope she is the best for you and every member of your family!!! Michael and Thank you!!!