Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How many jobs do YOU have?

Have you ever sat down and figured out just how many jobs you have? Jeff has been gone a lot. It is hunting season...enough said. But, when he isn't hunting, he is at the ice rink with one of our children doing that translates into "I never see him". So at dinner the other happened to be one of our "no place to be" nights...Jeff was of course...hunting. Jake said, "Mom...can people have more than one job?" I said, "Sure...I have had more than one job at a fact your dad has had three jobs at one time." He was amazed by that...then it dawned on me. Wait a minute...I have even more than three jobs at one time right now! So...Cam and Jake and I started counting all of the jobs I have. I am sure we missed some, but this is what we came up with:

1. Mom

2. Wife

3. Cow (I am still nursing...that alone is a job)

4. Dishwasher

5. Cook

6. Waitress

7. Housekeeper

8. Nanny

9. Mary Kay

10. Sell things on E-Bay

11. Childcare Coordinator for bible study at church

12. Finance for MOPs at church

13. Tutor

14. Piano teacher

15. Caregiver

16. Daughter

17. Niece

18. Sister

19. Friend

20. Laundrymat

21. Organizer

22. Youth of Ukraine Director

23. Spiritual Co-leader

24. Librarian

25. Pre-school teacher

26. Grocery Shopper

27. Clothing Shopper

28. Counselor

29. Head Room Parent for 4th grade

30. Bather

31. Dresser

32. Diaper Changer

33. Bedtime story teller and singer

34. Lawn worker

35. Oil changer (number 34 and 35 never get done if I don't do I just do them)

36. Garbage taker outer

37. Recycling organizer

38. Carpooler

39. Hockey mom

40. Figure Skating mom

41. Coaches Wife

42. Nurse

43. Negotiator

NEED I GO ON?????????

The BEST and most IMPORTANT things that I do that of being a wife, a mother and a child of God. I am not complaining by any means. Would I appreciate a life with a maid, a cook, etc.? Of course...but I am so thrilled to be the mommy to my four little precious offspring, and being a wife to an incredible man. Nothing is better than the hugs and kisses that those 5 people give me. Now...if I could just give Jeff a little bit of Estrogen so he might help a bit more...or at least see things my way! :-)

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