Friday, October 8, 2010

Field Trip to the Zoo

So....stay at home, hands on mom that I am....*cough*....I was one of the volunteers for Cam's 6th grade field trip to the zoo! I had a group of 6 boys from his class. I couldn't take Major went to the zoo with Dad that day! So we all drove together and Major got Papa ALL to himself! He sure did like that!!! I had a great time with the 6 boys...I really thought it was going to be tough, but I had a good group of boys. In the picture below, two of them are missing...they were over by the scorpion exhibit mezmorized! The boys spent THE MOST amount of time with this little baby gorilla! They loved him!!

They also loved the orangatang exhibit....I wonder why they like monkeys and such so much....hmmm....maybe because 6th grade boys ARE MONKEYS!!!

We had a great time....I was an "awesome mom" that day...per Cam...and Major was spoiled by Papa!! GOOD TIMES!!!

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