Thursday, September 30, 2010

Major's turn on Sparky!

So over the course of the summer, Papa took each of the kids to see the at a kids and my sister's kids. Then he would take them out to lunch. He even took Mike, Rhonda and Jeff. It was Major and my turn a couple weeks ago. We let him be last since we could do him after school started. He LOVES it was quite the treat!! He is so comfortable on a horse...he is so comfortable with horses in general. They don't scare him at all...the size....the smell...the sounds...nothing scares him when it comes to horses. So here he is with Papa. Here he is completely on his own!!!
Papa had to get in on some of the action...after IS his horse!! :-)

Of course I had to bad my thighs and butt look so enormous on it.....

Major decided to try out leading Sparky. Sparky did pretty well with him leading!

Here is Major all on his own again!!!

How ya doin' ma'am????


What's that in your nose????'s life treatin' ya?
There's my precious little cowboy!!!!

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