Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hockey Day! was jam packed full of fun hockey! This morning Jake's Mite Select team was in a Spring Joust Tournament at Tranquility Ice Plex. They won that first game!! 2 to 1! Yeah!! Jake is the one in black almost straight ahead in the pictures....Sorry, they seem to almost all be blurry. I needed to change my camera setting to "spots". Oops!
Once that game was done we had to run over to Benson for the other games. We hit Burger King on our way though...the lunch of champions! :-) Once we got to Benson Ice Rink, we ate and it was time to suit up for Cam and Jake. The Squirts (Cam's team) was playing Omaha. But...that got cancelled at the last it was just going to be a practice. :-( Oh well...another day of practice won't hurt them. Jake was going to practice with them, since it wasn't his team...but with Jeff as their coach, they don't always have a choice! :-) The rest of the Select team was playing more games at Tranquility throughout the day. Jake was gracefully "let go" for the rest of the games today because his hustle wasn't with him...he must have left it at home. Poor Jake. Oh...did I tell ya'all that Jake got glasses? He actually doesn't mind wearing them...thanks to "aunt" tini, he says he is in the "cool kids club" now! In fact, he passed Pastor Tim Wiebe in the hall at church on Thursday and said, "'re in the cool kids club too!" Pastor Tim wasn't sure what to say, but he said, "YEP!"

At the Benson rink, Major decided it was time to pick up some hockey tips....

It got to be too long in the ice rinks for the little Jeff found a ride with a fellow hockey coach, and he and the boys stayed at the rink while I took Major and Kenna home. They were beat on the drive home...too much fun at the rinks and too cold....once they got in that nice, quiet, warm was a quiet drive home.....

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