Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Let us not forget the true meaning of the season! God gave us the ULTIMATE gift over 2,000 years ago wrapped in a bundle and lying in a manger! We didn't even deserve it, but He gave it to us anyway! What a incredible Savior we serve! This Christmas as we are warm and snug by the fire or the tree with WAY TO MANY presents around us, let us remember that we are SO lucky to live in the United States of America, where we can worship freely and celebrate Christmas in the way we do. So many people around the world are not so lucky. Millions of people will go to bed tonight hungry, cold and lonely. Please pray for those who need God, pray for those who are lonely, cold, hungry or away from home. Please remember those who have no idea why we celebrate Christmas. I thank all of you...our friends, family, body of believers for all of your friendships. I couldn't have asked God for a better group of friends, support group, etc.

Love and hugs to each of you this holiday season!


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