Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Painting and Walking!

We have been very busy lately...but not too busy to paint!! MaKenna LOVES to paint. So one day we got all the paints out and I thought I would try it with Major too. Wow...that was more work than I remember it being with the other boys...then I remember that maybe they were a bit older than Major when they started playing with paint!

In this picture, Major is just trying to figure out what that stuff is.... This picture was taken early on...before it started going in his mouth...before it was all over him....
But...on ward we go!! Major LOVES anything that can help him get around. He has this shopping cart in our you can see, he "shops" all over with it. Upstairs he has two little pushy toys...but he still chooses to use the stools we have in the kitchen and bathrooms. I don't know why those are more enticing then his toys. It boggles my mind! Anyway, Tuesday at Bible Study, in front of me, my dad and Kim McAndrews, Major took his first steps!!!! Three of them to be exact!!! He hasn't done it again since....but it won't belong now!!! I am not sure if I am ready!!!

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