Friday, January 9, 2009

My Mamma

Hi all. My mom is having trouble with her cancer. If you want to follow her progress just go to her carepages that I have listed to the left of the page. She is having a hard time right now though and I am very worried. She is practically bed ridden. Dad has to help her get to and from the bathroom, he has to help bathe her and he gets her meds for her. She is on countless mg's of pain meds, and they make her itch, so she is also taking Benadryl...between the pain meds and the Benadryl she is exhausted ALL the time. She is also now on constant Oxygen. I was over there this evening and I helped her to the bathroom. We took her O2 off and she was SO winded by the time she was done using the bathroom, you would have thought she ran a marathon. The doctor moved her CT scan up to this Monday. Please pray for her. Prayers are VERY appreciated.

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