So this PAST weekend we were in Lincoln for ANOTHER one of Cam's tournaments. No pictures this time...my card was full and I couldn't find another one, even though I have HUNDREDS around the house...they are just never where they are supposed to be. They are similar to socks in a dryer. Anyway, I did have my video camera though, so that is good! Jake had his last house game Saturday morning at 11, and Jeff and Cam had to be in Lincoln at about 11. So, Major, Kenna and I took Jake to his last game, while Jeff and Cam went off to Lincoln. It kinda stunk because Jeff is Jake's coach too...but he has some great Assistant Coaches. Jake lost their game...but it was a good game. "Aunt" Tini and "Uncle" Matt came to watch. Jake thought that was cool! After the game we headed straight for Lincoln. Cam's game was at noon, and by the time we got to Lincoln it was around 1:30, so they were already dressed and done with that game. They lost that game, and Jeff was very disappointed because he said they looked very sluggish and out of it. We find out why later....
So I dropped Jake off with Jeff and Cam and Major and Kenna and I headed to Milford which is another 20 miles west of Lincoln. Dad was there doing business for Uncle Alvin and I was to meet him at Alvin's house to help him clean it out some more. I got to Milford around 2:30, and I helped clean up...I meant to go see mom...but would you believe that we got so short on time I forgot until I was out of town? IS THAT JUST TERRIBLE????? I feel HORRIBLE!! I DO feel better though, dad had gone and visited her earlier that day...but what a terrible daughter I am! I am headed to Milford again NEXT weekend, so I will be sure to make an extra extended visit to mom. Anyway, Cam's next game was at 4, so dad and I left Milford at 3:30. Dale Hauder joined us to watch the game...that was fun to have him there (he is my 2nd or 3rd cousin...I don't know how that works).
They won the 4 pm game...and Cam got the first goal! He SAYS he didn't get it...but the goal keeper and everyone on the team says he did...so I guess he did! They ended up taking 3rd in the tournament which is pretty good for such a young team!
So, now Jake is done with hockey, and Cam is at practice tonight...his last practice. They have a tournament in Kansas City this weekend...that will be his last for the season then. Thank goodness!! Don't get me wrong...I love hockey...and I love that they are so good at it and that they love it too...but it is SUCH a long season! It runs October through March. UGH! Then...when you put in there two boys...on different teams, and a husband that coaches BOTH teams...then you throw in the Select Teams that they are on.....AAAHHHH!!!! It was a CONSTANT ICE RINK PARTY! EVERY NIGHT! EVERY WEEKEND!!! So...we have a break now. Whew. I will not be going to Kansas City. :-( I am bummed...but Jeff booked the hotel with another coach and his son before asking if we wanted to go. I didn't go to the Des Moines Tournament but that was because mom was sick....he forgot the reason, he just assumed I didn't want to go. WRONG! Oh well...what's done is done. So...instead, I am having a Girls...and boys...weekend. Tini and Matt...Tanner....Kenna, Major and I...and maybe a couple other friends are going to have a Wii Fit Tournament of our OWN! Maybe then a chic flic!! Yes...guys included...if they don't like it...they can leave! If you don't know who Tanner is...he is almost my brother in law. Okay...so...speaking of Wii Fit! I hold the record for Ski Jump! Jeff can't stand it...he stays up VERY late at night trying to beat my record. It truly is pathetic! :-) He is terribly sick now though....since Saturday, so he hasn't had a chance to beat me yet...though he has tried, sick and all. OH...speaking of which...the reason the boys were so sluggish at the first Squirt game?
Apparently the goalie was sick to his stomach as was shown in the locker room prior to the second game. The whole locker room stunk of his bowel movement. It stunk SO bad that Jeff was dry heaving and so were some of the kids. One of the kids actually THREW UP because the smell was so bad. Needless to say, he did not play...then the goalie that stunk it up so bad...ended up throwing up after the other one threw up from the first ones smelly poo! It was a total mess! So...the second game they actually won with a kid that was thrown in as goalie that had never been goalie before because the other one was sick! Ugh...does that make sense? Only in a Filleman story.....

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