Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Photo tag...
Photo Blog Tag--I'm it!
It's easy to do--just open your picture files and select the 4th (fourth) photo. Then post it. Since it's an easy one, I'm tagging everyone who hasn't done it yet. I have TONS of different photo files, so I just picked the Christmas photo file and this is what popped up! Christmas Eve service...Major. Such a cute little paper boy! :-)
For the love of poop!

Please pray for my mom
For the LOVE of Pete AGAIN!

Monday, December 29, 2008
Just Curious

Thought of the Week
Everyone got a lot of really nice stuff. The boys were thrilled about their MP3 players and MaKenna LOVED her new doll house! She was ecstatic!
Christmas Day, Santa came to our house and delivered goodies, and then we went and opened our presents under the tree. The highlight for the boys were their Nintendo DS's. The highlight for MaKenna was her Diamond Castle Barbie...the highlight for Jeff and I was RockBand for Wii. We are such kids aren't we?? Major just walked around messing with everyone's toys and ignoring his own. He could have cared less...but he was happy! So much paper to play with!!
Then we went to my mom's house for lunch. That was fun! Santa stopped there too, so the kids got even MORE things. As if they needed MORE! :-) Here is my mom and Major snuggling on Christmas day.
Here is Major, my sister Rhonda and her daughter Brooke snuggling some more...
It was late in the afternoon before we got home, but we played with our toys...downloaded music on the boys' MP3 players, rested...ate...ate...and ate some more. Then mom and dad came over after dinner and watched us all play RockBand. I rule on the drums...but is anyone surprised???? :-) Nah...I am only kidding...I am a bit rusty. I start giving piano and drum lessons though in a couple weeks so I suppose I should brush up on my stick handling! :-)
I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas! We are still recovering. I am going to go now so I can clean, clean, and clean some more!!!
The weather outside is frightful!!!!!
Only in the midwest can it flip on a dime though...and right now, it is in the mid 40's, sunny and mildly breezy. Ahhh...that is nice. It is funny though...once the temp hits below zero...as soon as it is in the 20's, nobody wears coats anymore! Funny how that works!! I can remember, living in Phoenix, it would be in the 50's in the winter, and we had BIG coats on and were freezing. Now...50 here is jeans and t-shirt weather! My blood has finally grown used to the cold. Jeff too...he had shorts on the other day!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
RSV, Stitches, Pneumonia, anything else???
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
MaKenna's funny

Monday, December 22, 2008
Major's first birthday!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thanksgiving weekend, cont...

After that we went and saw the Aquarium. It was really cool. Part of the floor was glass and you looked down into a fish tank. Major REALLY liked that! In this picture you can see the fish swimming under Major.
Then it was off to the Kraken. Another ride that had ABSOLUTELY no line. We rode this ride, 3 or 4 times. This picture is of my dad, my mom, Cam and I. This ride was really one of the better rides I have ever ridden! It was great!

We started working our way to the Shamu show. It has been awhile since I have seen Shamu...but whales must have a really long life span, because I saw Shamu in San Diego about 20 years ago!!! :-) Anyway, we ran into a dolphin and I could resist this beautiful picture!

We were ALMOST all smart. Everyone sat OUT of the splash zone...since we were already soaking wet from the Atlantis anyway...except for Jake and Kayla...you wanted to be in the splash zone. They couldn't be alone, so Uncle/dad Jeff offered to sit with them. What a good guy! They got pretty wet during the show! It was a great show! We all really enjoyed it.
Then we went to eat lunch. It was while we were eating that the heaven's opened up and let all its fury out on us! It was torrential rain...lightning...thunder...wind...the whole nine yards. We were all told to take cover. After awhile they said we could move about because the lightning was done...but the raining was STILL a torrential downpour. We ran across the "street" to the Polar Express traveling exhibit which ended up being one of our favorites! It was great. And while we were in there it stopped raining. We were in there for about an hour. We were STILL soaking wet, from head to toe! It got a bit cooler then. We went to a few other exhibits and then to the Sea Lion and Otter show....my personal favorite! It never fails...I laugh so hard I almost wet my pants! It takes so little to please me! Anyway, then it was off to the kiddie ride area...where MaKenna took her first rollar coaster ride. She LOVED it! Mom and I then took Major to the Nursing house so that we could feed and change Major. He loved getting out of the stroller!
After the kids have plenty of time in kiddie land, we decided it was time to go. But...we ran into Shamu on the way out....below is Kayla and Jake...and then Cam and MaKenna.
We shopped a bit on our way out and we decided we would come back the next day because we had gotten free second day passes. We didn't have anything planned for Monday as that was the day we flew home, but we didn't leave until six. OH! I forgot to tell you something really important!! Jeff was so sweet! They have divers that dive for Oysters...they bring a bunch up for you and you pick your favorite one...for a price of course...and they open it up for you right there, clean the pearl and give it to you. He decided to do that for me for my birthday! It was SO sweet! I could have had it mounted while we were there, in a necklace or whatnot, but I just had them put it in a nice Clam shell box until I decide what I want to do with it. My niece did it too and she got the rare TWINS. So she is going to make earrings for herself someday! It was a neat experience!
So...the next day we packed up our luggage, checked out of the hotel and off we went to Sea World again. We had missed the Manatees and Dolphins, so that is right where we went. On our way there, we stopped and saw and touched the sting rays. Ick. But I did it! So did my mom...I was very impressed. Below is Jeff and Major, and then my dad.
Then it was off to the dophins! We all had our hands in the water, and they would come over and talk to us and wave to us, but they didn't want to come let us touch them. I was bummed. But they were fun to watch. I really like how they have it set up. You can watch them above water and below water. Very cool! We also checked out the Manatees and the crocs. I happen to have a soft spot for Manatees...so that was a lot of fun to see their chubby little bodies...much like my own! HA! :-) We stopped for a bit and took some pictures. Here is my mom and dad....then with my sister and I...then just with mom.
Then it was off to the dophin show. It was a beautiful show! I don't remember it being so elaborate with acrobatics, etc. It was awesome. But...as soon as it was over we had to practically run to the exit to get to the airport in time. We had to drop off the vans and get through security with only a couple hours to spare.
We made it through security with LITTLE to no trouble. They always seem to give me trouble...I don't know why...I am a trouble magnet. But, then I found this great NASA store and I HAD to stop in! Jeff got me a shuttle replica for my birthday also, so that was exciting for me! Here is MaKenna and I. We must have REALLY looked like tourists...but that is okay...we were in an airport!
We all had a quick bite to eat, and then off we went. This flight was very full and Major was VERY tired of being held, or strolled. He was pitching a fit while we sat on the tarmac and some idiot a few seats ahead said to me, "Shut that baby up!" At which point, my husband who the man had not seen, spoke up and said very loudly to my brother in law who was sitting across from this man, "What did that Jack*ss say Mike!" My brother in law repeated it and the man quickly turned around and apologized saying he would never talk badly of this mans (Jeff's) baby. He was talking about something else. RIGHT!! That man though this baby was traveling with his little mamma and no one else...then he saw Jeff and quickly retracted the story! Serves him right! The next flight was after an hour layover in ATL and Major had his own seat, so he was in seventh heaven. We didn't hear a peep out of him the whole flight! We didn't get into Omaha until after midnight and we still had to get our luggage and the cars. We were home around 1am. We were tired the next day...and the kids had school and Jeff had work...but it was well worth it!! We had an absolutely incredible time! The memories will last a lifetime! For more pictures, I have them scrolling in a slide show to the left. Or...you can go to my Picassa web photo album...I have a link set up on the left as well.
Now...the next post will be of the chaos we have suffered at the Filleman household this week! RSV...stitches...you name it...it has happened!