I can't resist...I have to put this picture on...it is just too cute not to post. Don't be mad Dix...you can't see the dress...but it is just too precious! His youngest child has met the man of her dreams and is getting married.....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Another wild hockey weekend...
I can't resist...I have to put this picture on...it is just too cute not to post. Don't be mad Dix...you can't see the dress...but it is just too precious! His youngest child has met the man of her dreams and is getting married.....
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Heaven #2

I know it is weird to say this...kinda cliche, but I honestly think that mom is sending signs that she is okay. Not just with the "heat" as I posted in earlier posts, but I swear...I hear that "I Can Only Imagine" song SOOOO much now...and I have NEVER heard it that much before. For those of you who have watched the slide show it is the second song played. It is by Mercy Me. If you haven't watched the slide show, the link to it is in an earlier post...just go check it out. Anyway, I hear it EVERYWHERE I go. Not just Mercy Me singing it...but yesterday, I heard it sang by what sounded like Amy Grant. Since when does she sing that song? I also heard it on a country station the other day sang by Wynona....since when does SHE sing that song. Then today...of all places, I was at David's Bridal with my glowing bride sister in law and it came on...played on a station that had just played Madonna. How weird is that? When mom was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer she had a portable CD player with ear phones. She took that thing everywhere...on her treadmill...to chemo...in the living room...even in bed with her. The one CD that was almost always being played? Mercy Me, specifically the song, "I Can Only Imagine". I think mom is telling us that she is fine, and that it is true....we can ONLY imagine. Can you imagine? Heaven must be beyond beautiful. Beyond our comprehension. Wow. Thanks mom...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mom's Slideshow
You con download it from the following URL.
Its is the “Suzanne_Stutzman_Memorial_Slide_Show_Family.mov” file. You need to have Quick Time Player installed to view the file. I also have the Quick Time download for Windows XP and Vista listed there (QuickTimeInstaller.exe).

Dad, Mom and Baby Jake Howard Filleman
Monday, February 16, 2009
Jakes 8th Birthday Party
They played Nerf Wars in the house...mostly in the dark. We stayed in the living room with Major where it was safe...but once in awhile it would come to us...here is Darth Vader invading our quiet space with Tini looking on....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hockey Day!
It got to be too long in the ice rinks for the little dudes...so Jeff found a ride with a fellow hockey coach, and he and the boys stayed at the rink while I took Major and Kenna home. They were beat on the drive home...too much fun at the rinks and too cold....once they got in that nice, quiet, warm truck....it was a quiet drive home.....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day...waste of money...or not?

Snowy Day
Then...Friday morning. Jeff had already taken Friday off because he has Monday off (President's Day), and he likes to take the same days off that the boys have off so he can play with them, etc. So, we all slept in and woke up to LOTS of snow! And it was STILL coming down very heavy! I had to run some quick errands, so I did that before the roads got too bad...then got home by lunch time. After lunch we all decided to go play! It was snowing very heavily, but it wasn't all that cold out. So, we bundled everyone up and out we went!
By this time we had about 5 inches of snow. Jeff decided to do his favorite thing...snow blow. And Jake has always likes to help shovel.
MaKenna likes to do snow angels and throw snow up in the air...even when it is actively snowing....hmmm....
And Major just takes it all in. Now...I did pull Major and MaKenna around in the sled though. They really enjoyed that...for awhile. I put MaKenna in and she held onto Major. I cut some of the snow with the sled so it would make a good pathway, and off we went! Great exercise! I ran down my beaten path and they were laughing and giggling and having a great time...until....the sled got noticibly lighter and my neighbor was yelling, "Baby over board!" WOOPS!!! Yes that is right....I have no picture, but you can imagine all you want. MaKenna shifted her weight and the sled tilted to the side a bit, causing baby Major to fall out...on his face. When I turned around all I could see was the back of his suit surrounded by snow and his suited legs and arms flapping. Poor baby!!!!!!! Needless to say...he was done after that. :-0 The picture below is Jake pulling MaKenna....the picture might help with your imagination.
BAD MOMMY!!! But, he had fun for awhile at least!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Are you waiting for an answer?
...so why didn't He answer my prayer? This is the response I have come up with after researching a bit.
Mom had taught all of us that her eternal relationship with God was above and beyond anything that this life could offer. We had all prayed for Mom to live, and God answered with a wondrous “YES!” (John 11:25). Mom is living...just not in the way we wanted her to. Sometimes, God just answers, “No” to our prayers. Any delay or unexpected outcome really shouldn't discourage us. We have to ask ourselves...what is God's purpuse through our prayers...what does He want to complete in us through prayer?

Thursday, February 5, 2009
The last few CarePages Posts
Posted 2 days ago
Ugh...I was hoping that I would just skip this day...but the alarm clock went off and I knew that I had to follow through. It was not easy, but we all managed. We were and are so physically exhausted though. Will we ever feel rested again? I am told we will...but, it seems like it is so far off in the future. I got up, got all of the kids dressed...the husband too. It was awfully early for him! :-) Fed everyone and got ready for a very busy and emotionally demanding day. My 10 year old who was VERY close to nana, locked himself in the bathroom in tears because he SAID he didn't feel well. I thought it was just nerves...he did throw up in the middle of the night Monday night though...so maybe he had the flu after all. *Woops*. We met dad and Rhonda at Mom and Dad's house. We picked up the programs, and the pictures for the table...and a barf bag for Kayla...I guess she had been throwing up Sunday night. It's just going to go through the whole family. Just FYI...she did fine all day...no need for the barf bag...whew. Anyway, we got to the church around 9 and we set up the tables with the programs, the registry book, and the flowers and plants that KEPT coming in. One florist after another just kept bringing them in. We were afraid there wouldn't be many! There were flowers and plants EVERYWHERE! Mom was definitely a very loved woman. Was there ever any doubt though? :-) Around 9:30, the mortuary brought mom in. So strange to see this box that my mom was in. We put her up on stage amidst all the beautiful flowers and placed her picture on top.
-By the Stutzman Sisters
Posted 24 hours ago
Tuesday was the last day that everyone had off of work...so Rhonda and I worked hard on getting the Funeral book written in, organizing the flowers and plants, giving them to people who helped us out a bunch, writing out thank you cards, etc. We only got about a quarter of the way done with thank you cards though! Thanks to all of you who sent cards...it meant a lot to us to read them and know that your thoughts and prayers were and are with us. I HONESTLY don't feel like ANY of us would have pulled through as well as we did if it weren't for all of your thoughts and prayers. In hindsight, we all did fairly well emotionally and physically...and it is ONLY because of you all. I am told though that the weeks to come will be very difficult, especially for my dad trying to figure things out and being alone in the house, etc. Thanks for all of you who sent Memorial donatins to the Cancer Center. We raised quite a large sum in moms name. THANK YOU! One of my missions now is to stamp out Breast Cancer. Won't you join me?? I am planning on keeping this care pages active as long as the memory of my mother is still alive...which to me, will be forever. I won't update it as often...obviously...but when something comes up for Breast Cancer Awareness...I will let you know...or...I will just journal my thoughts when I or we have bad days and miss mom tremendously. I am posting a bunch of photos from the services. Rhonda and dad and I are also going to get together this weekend to finish off the thank you cards, etc. Words truly can't tell you all enough, how grateful we all are for your outpouring of love and kindness to us. Oh...and the slide show...as soon as we figure out how to get it on Carepages...I will certainly do that! I am still curious...any great, funny, controversial (ha) stories about mom??? DO SHARE!!!
Posted 6 minutes ago
Wednesday was Jeff's birthday...with everything going on in such a whirlwind the last few weeks, it was an easy day to forget...but I did my best to make it special for him. I ran into Dad and Duane at Cabella's doing the same thing I was doing...shopping for Jeff. We had a nice birthday celebration at our house Wednesday night. Thursday was dad's first day/night alone. The last of our family, Duane, Ivan and Vicki, left around 8am. I can't say for sure how he is doing since I am not there with him...but everytime I called him (he will have to get used to it, I used to talk to mom 6 times a day!), he was doing fine. Just keeping busy! He was doing paperwork today...he had already stripped all the beds and changed them, laundered them and folded them...he was busy, busy, busy. Gee...imagine that. Tomorrow his plan is to clean the house. He told me he actually kinda like domestic work! Too bad it took him 62 years to learn that! Now...if I could just get Jeff to like domestic work as well! :-) Anyway, I did need some help from dad tonight...so I broke up his evening a bit for him. Yesterday my truck...kinda overheated...the transmission had a problem. So...dad had brought me mom's van to drive until we got my truck fixed. Well...it just needed Trainy fluid, so it was a quick fix...so Jeff says...I hope he is right. Anyway, I took the van back this evening with Major. Everyone else was at hockey and/or figure skating. We picked him up...I dropped off some food that people have been bringing me from church...thanks again...and we went to KMart where I went to get dog food and he entertained Major in the back seat. Then I ran to the post office while he entertained again, then home. Then, he drove the van back to his house. So...I gave him about an hour of things to do! I didn't ask him how he is doing...but he seems fine. Rhonda and I will go over Saturday to finish thank you cards and spend some time with him.
Okay...the story that I had mentioned in an earlier post that I wasn't sure was appropriate yet? I think I can mention it now. My friends at church who know the story think that it is fine and that some if not all of you SHOULD get a kick out of it. You have to consider my sense of humor...and my mom's too. She would also think this was funny. So...you know how my mom was ALWAYS so hot? She ALWAYS had the house cold, she ALWAYS had a fan on, even in below zero temperature...even at the hospital the last few weeks, it was FREEZING and she had to have her fan on. At the house the last few days of her life dad had to cover the vent so warm air wouldn't go into her room, he had a fan in there for her and she rarely had more than a sheet covering her. Even up to and after her death, her feet (which we were told would get cold), were still nice and toasty warm. Well...we went to the mortuary Wednesday, the day after her death...and they told us they would be cremating her that evening. Dad was watching the news that night and THAT VERY mortuary was on the news because their crematorium overheated. At first we were all very disgusted and heart broken thinking that anything could have happened to mom. We know she isn't really there...but...well...you know. So the next day dad drove down there...he just wanted to know. They said everything was fine, it was just some sort of bucket of oil...yada, yada, yada. So...Friday we went to the church to copy all of the programs for her services. The copier REALLY was stinking up the place. Everyone kept coming in saying what is burning because it was a VERY hot smell...like it was overheating. Hmmm...I started seeing a common denominator. Was mom sending me a message? Was she being her honery self??? It would be just like mom. For those of you who don't know her very well...she could be pretty honery! The day of the funeral it was supposed to be a mere 20 degrees. In fact, it was 40+. Hmmm...mom's body heat was working over time again! So...as if that wasn't enough...my truck, the same truck that she has always hated...had an transmission, overheating problem. I just thought that was all too coincidental. Of course, maybe now I am looking for things...but whatever the case may be, I enjoy thinking that mom is doing these things...it makes me feel like she is still with us being honery as ever! If you find these storied inappropriate, I am sorry...like I said, it gives me comfort thinking that she is right by my side.
MaKenna keeps praying for Nana to get better. Poor thing...she just doesn't fully get it. Tonight she said during her prayer, "God, I miss Nana, please make her feel better and not be sick anymore." Little does she know, Nana does feel better and she is not sick anymore...but I think she thinks Nana will be coming back. It is hard explaining it to a 4 year old. All I said was that was a nice prayer, thank you. I didn't know what else to say.
Blessings....talk to you Saturday...I'll let you know how the thank you cards went...and maybe I can get the slide show on then!