Monday, September 29, 2008
AFA Voters Guide

Friday, September 26, 2008
Happy 4th Birthday to my Princess!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Fishermen's Pick

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fireproof with Kirk Cameron

Kirk grew up, got married and has 6 kids....4 are adopted. I found out a few years ago that Kirk is actually a very good Christian man. He stars in the Left Behind Movies as Buck. If you have read the books or watched the movies...you know what I am talking about. GREAT books and movies! MUST SEE/READ!!! Anyway, I started having utmost respect for him when I found out he was a Christian and was doing the Left Behind Series. I heard him in some interviews, and he had just shown himself to be one of the exceptions of Hollywood stars. He and his wife have been married 17 years...which as he quotes on the "Today Show", is "70 years in Hollywood years." So true! When I saw that he was playing in the upcoming movie called "Fireproof", I knew I needed to see it. To my surprise, he was on the "Today Show" yesterday morning to promote it...which can only mean one thing. It must be opening in theaters everywhere! It opens on Friday...and sure enough it opens in SEVERAL cities across the US! I was VERY impressed and THRILLED that they were opening a KNOWN Christian movie in theaters almost everywhere! It is by the creator of Facing the Giants...another known Christian movie. I imagine it will be a great movie. The thing that REALLY made me want to write about Kirk Cameron though....it is a BIGGIE to me. There is one scene in the movie where he kisses his wife. The kiss is done in a nice foggy, silhuotte shot. Why does this matter Tonya? Well...let me tell you. Kirk has a thing. The thing is that he refuses to kiss any other women but his wife. That is why you don't see him playing in just any movies. Well...his wife is NOT the wife in this movie...so...and this came directly from Kirks mouth...they had his real wife come in that day and they shot their kiss in a silhuotte so you couldn't see that Kirk doesn't actually kiss the costar...he is actually kissing his wife! I thought that was SO sweet and SO respectful of not only his wife, but of his marriage and to God!! WOW!! He won't even look at scripts that require kissing...UNLESS they can bring in his wife. That not only says a lot to his wife and kids, but that speaks VOLUMES to Hollywood and to the thousands + people who saw the broadcast yesterday!! WOW!! I have a new found respect for that man that I didn't have two days ago!! Have you ever felt that, "This guy is the real deal"...only to find out that he and his wife divorce, or he cheats on her, or he does something else dispicable? Well...This guy IS the real deal, and we can be so proud of him as our Christian Brother! Go to his website...it says a lot about him and the ministry that he and his wife created. http://www.kirkcameron.com/
40 days of praying
Pray for the elections in a systematic and orderly way, starting with worship of our mighty God and moving to issues and concerns of the election.
Pray for issues and concerns that might not occur to you or others.
Post your comments or prayers on a new 40 Days to Pray the Vote Prayer Wall.
Tell others about this exciting prayer initiative.

Monday, September 22, 2008
It got worse...
Ear Infections
Sinus Infections
Strep Throat
Many drugs later....
still sick...
enough said....
Friday, September 19, 2008
More Ear Infections

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I've STILL got it!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wow! Goosebumps! You go Mr.!!
This commercial was done by a local kid in the Walnut Valley at the eastern edge of Los Angeles County.
You have to watch the whole thing.
When he finishes talking and walks away, you get a sense of how this could be the commercial of the campaign season.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sleep update AND another round of antibiotics

Thursday, September 11, 2008
What is Sleep?
So...Major has been sleeping in his crib more...praise God! BUT...for some odd reason, he seems to think that he needs to eat every couple hours through the night. He doesn't eat every couple of hours during the day, he most CERTAINLY does NOT need to eat every couple of hours during the night. So...I have been putting my foot down. I put him to bed...in his crib...around 8:30 or 9. If he wakes up at 11, I am usually still awake reading or something, so I will feed him one last time and put him BACK in his crib....typically. I have been very busy and very tired lately, so that 11 feeding has resulted in him staying in bed with me because I fall asleep feeding him. He then wakes up at 1 or 2 to eat again. Nope! Ain't gonna happen! I NEED him to know that he doesn't need to eat every couple hours at night! He is 9 months old for pete's sake! So...as a result of putting my foot down, he cries...and cries...and cries...and cries...and throws temper tantrums. He will sit up in bed and then THROW himself back on the pillows just screaming and screaming. Binki's don't work, snuggling doesn't work...he wants the boob!! BUT I AIN'T GIVING IN! Those of you who know me well enough, KNOW that I am as stubborn as a horse when the situation warrants. So, at 4 am, I gave up and put him in his crib...I told Jeff to sleep on the floor near his crib to see if that would help him go back to sleep. Nope...didn't work. At 5 I decided he had waited long enough and I gave in and fed him. He then slept...FINALLY! Ugh!! What am I to do???? He is more stubborn then the other three ever were. Of course I didn't let it go this long with the other kids either. I know...TOTALLY my fault...and I am paying for it now. Laugh if you need to...say I told you so if you need to...just FIX THIS!!!! (*YAWN*)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure!

As most of you know, 5 years ago, my mom was hit with the news that she had breast cancer. She has fought this terrible disease for 5 years and rarely with anything but a smile on her face. They treated her several times with different forms of treatment, but it has become metastatic. It has managed to travel to her lungs, liver and brain. If you follow her website which I have set up for her at http://www.carepages.com/ (website name is SuzanneStutzman), you will know that she is fighting it like a champ, and most of the brain lesions are completely gone! But…we still have a long road ahead of us. I have become very passionate about the fight for Breast Cancer, so this year I have decided to walk/run in the 5K Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. I have set up a pledge page if you feel moved to donate to this very worthy cause. The pledge page is below. My goal is $1,000! I pray that I can reach my goal and we can ALL win this race against Breast Cancer. Please visit my pledge page for the Komen Nebraska Race for the Cure and make a contribution for the cause if you would like. I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you to follow mom’s fight at carepages.com. For those of you who know us from Youth of Ukraine, please be reminded that we have moved that website to http://www.youthofukraine.blogspot.com/. And if you would like to be kept up to date on the Filleman family, our website is http://www.nebraskafillemans.blogspot.com/. I will have pictures from the walk after it happens on the 5th, and I will also keep you updated on how we are coming with the goal of $1,000, on that website. On ALL of the above websites, you can sign up for an e-mail subscription which means you will get my updates on e-mail. Thank you all for your support and love!!! Let’s STAMP OUT BREAST CANCER TOGETHER!!!!! -Tonya Filleman
Click http://www.komennebraska.org/aspx/Pledges.aspx?PledgeID=202 to visit my pledge page and make a contribution to this deserving cause.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Poison Oak...Ivy...or Sumac???
Friday, September 5, 2008
Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin can have it all
By Barbara Curtis
Fri Sep 5, 4:00 AM ET
Bluemont, Va. - The five children. The newborn diagnosed with Down syndrome. The pregnant daughter. Sarah Palin's life – chock full of challenge – confronts her opposition with some formidable challenges of its own. After decades of pushing equal rights and treatment for women, the Left is backtracking.
Suddenly motherhood – well, at least too much motherhood or too-complicated motherhood – is incompatible with executive responsibility. Fathers with little children or complex family issues – even some who cheated on their wives – have held office without having to justify their continuing careers. Yet women once again face a very different standard. Who knew that beyond the glass ceiling feminists vowed to shatter there existed another barrier, imposed by feminists themselves? What happened to choice? To having it all? Have we had a paradigm shift since Aug. 29? What's to stop Governor Palin from doing it all?
This debate matters a lot to me. I have 12 children, including four diagnosed with Down syndrome. Three were adopted. I'm a professional writer. And yes, some people wonder how I do it all, or if I'm doing any of it as well as I should. The skepticism about Palin's ability to juggle responsibilities has been punctuated with below-the-belt punches. My heart goes out to her and to every mom who soldiers on in the face of such flak. Sisterhood can be powerful, but only when we celebrate one another's accomplishments and growth – in all our diversity. The hardworking mother rolling up her sleeves to tackle a 'man's job' is a staple throughout American history and folklore. Think Rosie the Riveter. Think 'Places in the Heart,' featuring Sally Field as a Depression-era widow succeeding against all odds. These tales of women transformed through their work – even as they transformed the culture – resonate with me. As a second-wave feminist, I recall how we turned the medical establishment on its head over childbirth. In 1969 it was barbaric: flat on your back, bright lights and stirrups, no husband allowed. My first, Samantha Sunshine, was whisked off to the nursery, and I was forced to stay in bed without her. Just standard procedure. When Jasmine Moondance was born at home in 1975, I was up in 20 minutes – an older and wiser counterculture mom hip to the global portrait of motherhood as part of the fabric of life, including rice-paddy moms who simply pushed out their babies, wrapped them up, and went back to work. This kind of 'Sisterhood is Powerful' approach had put women in control of their birthing experience.And our mothering experience as well.
At first it was an either/or choice: stay-at-home motherhood – discredited by Betty Friedan's 'The Feminine Mystique' and Ms. magazine – or 'real work' alongside men. But as time went on and women seemed disinclined to give up their biological imperative, word came down that we could have it all – work and motherhood – and outclass men at the same time. Think 'I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan' from the 1970s (and now clearly retro) Enjoli perfume commercial. Perhaps that's not what we mean today by having it all, but it's the confident spirit that rings a bell almost 40 years later. That confidence took us places we never dreamed. In 2001, Jane Swift of Massachusetts became the first governor to give birth in office – to twins. Her maternity leave included a governor's council teleconference from her hospital bed. And while Ms. Swift was rebuked for using aides to babysit her daughter, Palin's record of eschewing the trappings of power – selling the governor's jet on eBay, for example – suggests she wouldn't make such mistakes. So what to make of the fire and brimstone raining down on Palin? Is it because her choices aren't the ones feminists anticipated? Or was it ever really about choice at all? Just because Palin's choices skew away from abortion and toward the affirmation of life – even in difficult circumstances – does that mean they shouldn't be accorded the same dignity as those more in line with today's feminist party line?
'How do you do it all?' people ask me. All I can say is that my capacity has grown with each child. I've learned to assess situations quickly, gather information and advice, negotiate, delegate, communicate clearly, and work under great pressure and with little sleep. Put simply, motherhood is its own executive office. That's why it's a proving ground for political leadership.'The personal is the political' was a feminist mantra I still believe. Which leads me to a qualification for office that sets Palin apart from her peers: Consistency. You see, motherhood under pressure has a way of helping women become greater than they started out to be. And the fact that Palin has a baby with Down syndrome only makes me trust her more. Here's a woman who chooses sacrifice and challenge over expediency and convenience.I've seen those pictures of Palin nursing her baby as she signs a bill into law and as she pushes a grocery cart. Moms understand that those photos might well have been taken just a few hours apart. That's the kind of life we lead. Can she do it all? Trust me, there are lots of moms out here who know she can.• Barbara Curtis, is the author of nine books and blogs at www.MommyLife.net .
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
They were asleep before their heads even hit the pillows!!! Tomorrow I will tell you all about the wonderful Poison Oak that Jeff is suffering with now. UGH!